On October 1st I get out my purple and orange twinkle lights, my jack-o-lanterns and witch decorations and my Halloween spirit. So, since today is October 1st I'm doing my Thursday Thirteen on Halloween!

- Candy - I especially love those peanut butter and molasses kisses that come wrapped in black and orange wax paper - you know the ones that pull out your fillings? Love 'em!
- I love the fact that Halloween comes at my favorite time of year - Fall. I love the crisp air, cooler days and cold nights where you finally get to add lots of blankets and feel all safe and secure under that weight!
- I love the falling leaves and the color of the falling leaves - I even did a Nature Design for my Taking Care of Business Store based on these fall leaves - these are a redhead's palette for sure!
- I love going into the stores and seeing all the Halloween merchandise - the tacky, paper thin costumes, the aisles and aisles of trick or treat buckets, face paint, fright wigs and talking skeletons.

- I love Halloween parties - I love the special spooky lighting and fake cobwebs and silly witch decorations.
- I love fog machines - these come out in large numbers for Halloween - I love fake fog, it's so cool and I can imagine if we'd had that when I was a kid what I could have done with it to add mood to my Halloween parties.
- I love those cheesy motion activated boo machines and moving spooky figures that really do take you by surprise when you pass by them in a store or on someone's doorstep.
- I love black and orange jelly beans.

- I REALLY LOVE POPCORN BALLS! For some reason I only make them at Halloween.
- I also love caramel apples but I admit I do make those at times other than Halloween - I've even bought those caramel apple charms suckers (which aren't half bad, btw, if they're still out there).
- I love planning my Halloween costume. Most years I start even before October because my costume is always a big production for me and includes special design and custom sewing.

- I love getting out my huge box of face paint, rubber appliances (for fake scars, noses, etc), my bottle of gum spirits, my jar of flat bottomed crystals that I glue to my face each year, my hair tinting sprays - the whole "transformation tricks" box.
- I love that for one night I get to be a completely different entity - whatever I've chosen that year is who I am until the Witching Hour and it's always a treat to leave boring old me behind for a few magic hours of make believe.

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