My favorite male singer? Wow, that's a toughie to narrow down so here's how I approached it, what male singer would I most prefer to be stranded on a desert island with the rest of my life?
He'd have to have a great voice (naturally), he'd have to be pretty decent looking ('cause even though I'm not looking I still like to look and I like my eye candy!), and he'd have to have a small enough ego to fit it into a small electric powered car (or I'd end up killing him and then I'd be alone for the rest of my life!)
Oh and I had to narrow my choices down to who's still alive - I really don't want to spend the rest of my life on a deserted island with a dead body! My final choice also included the fact that this guy would be missed if he ever disappeared and someone would come looking for him and I would be found at the same time!
I swear to God, this took me over an hour to decide - so (drum roll please!) here is my choice, Sir Paul McCartney:
Here's an art tribute I did to Sir Paul recently:

He'd have to have a great voice (naturally), he'd have to be pretty decent looking ('cause even though I'm not looking I still like to look and I like my eye candy!), and he'd have to have a small enough ego to fit it into a small electric powered car (or I'd end up killing him and then I'd be alone for the rest of my life!)
Oh and I had to narrow my choices down to who's still alive - I really don't want to spend the rest of my life on a deserted island with a dead body! My final choice also included the fact that this guy would be missed if he ever disappeared and someone would come looking for him and I would be found at the same time!
I swear to God, this took me over an hour to decide - so (drum roll please!) here is my choice, Sir Paul McCartney:
Here's an art tribute I did to Sir Paul recently:

This meme was developed by Marvalus View and Ms. Grapevine. The rules are simple:
1. Anyone can participate; any music genre
2. Old School is defined as music created before 1999
3. No offensive words allowed, please use edited radio version
4. Post a video of your favorite Old School song to take us back down memory lane
5. Add your name to the meme list so that others can check you out
6. Have fun & don't forget to leave comments for other participantsIf you want to join in on the fun, click here.