It's a New Year - 2008 to be exact for those of you who have lost track. And, as always, I find myself looking backwards to the past as I contemplate the future and what it has in store for me. As a fifty-something baby boomer, these are some of the things that I see the most change in:
- Technology - who would have thought that in the span of my lifetime (57 years on January 14th!) that we would all have cell phones that were inspired by Dick Tracy's watch and the communicator on Star Trek? That TVs would be flatter than my stomach? That we would send e-mails and stamps would be going the way of the dinosaur?
- Music - I was born during the Rock and Roll Era - Elvis, The Big Bopper, Buddy Holly and learned to dance to the Beatles, the Stones and The Who. I'm not too sure how to dance to rap - can you dance to rap?
- Housing - could you have predicted that the simple tract house you bought 30 years ago would now be owned by a millionaire????? Because no matter who owns that house now it's probably worth close to a million bucks in many areas of the country!
- Cars - Nope, the only thing that has really changed there is the price of them and the cost to keep them running - where's my Hovermobile???????
- Manners - by that I mean, simple courtesy and patience for the other beings who you come in contact with. Manners have all but disappeared and it's a crying shame. Manners make human interaction a much more pleasant and positive experience. My mother used to say "Don't say anything if you don't have anything nice to say!" What good advice that still is. Could we try it again?
HAPPY NEW YEAR - It's a Brave New World out there! And now a little video to take you back down Memory Lane: