My friend and Queen Diva of the Baby Boomer Diva Nation, Beverly Mahone, just posted a great story on her new blog about how times have changed in the last 40 years as far as television and how it has changed in regards to race discrimination.

It is amazing to look back and see how "white" television was in those days - even with regards to music that was created by our African American culture! We have come a long way but we still have a very long way to go! At least we have "color" television these days and not "black and white"!

Bev also posted a great video on the very young duo of Sonny and Cher - talk about changes! If I hadn't been a big Cher fan I might not have recognized that young girl with the heavy black eye liner, long straight bangs and Roman nose!

But I am a big, big fan of Cher - A woman who has risen from the ashes of pop culture fads gone by, Hollywood trends gone teeny-bopper, and society's backwards strictures on women.

Cher is a classic, a true pop culture icon and a model for women who think a man is necessary for success. Cher did it all bigger and better by herself and became a legend doing it. And she did it in some of the coolest clothes!!!!

Here's Cher singing one of my very favorite songs of hers and wearing one of those great stage costumes that I so love on her:

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