Last week I was invited to participate in an ongoing discussion on the problems facing those of us over 50. The discussion was hosted on Twitter by Growing Bolder (a great website for boomers, btw, these folks at GB really do care and are very proactive and involved with their members). The twitter location is AgeOfOpportunity-#ageop and the discussion occurs every Thursday @ 9pm Eastern.

One of the topics was ageism and I happened to comment that maybe we Boomers should start up protesting again. This idea simmered a bit in my mind and I decided to start a Boomer Power Crusade against all the preconceived B.S. that seems to persist about those of us nearing our retirement years. Note I didn't say retirement - I said retirement years because I suspect that the idea of "retirement" has all but disappeared from the American lifestyle for many of us.

Anyway, I hopped right on my graphics computer and designed "Down With Ageism™". (You can read more how I designed these images and what motivates my art at Life Is Like Art - It's All In How You Look At It.) Some are humorous, some are "in your face", and some are true (Thelma & Louise actually is what I call "my girls" - have for years!).

What I hope to accomplish with all this - the art in particular - is get some visuals out there that will bring a focus on this new generation of "retirees" - a group of people who have not gone gently into old age. (Hell No, We Won't Grow Old!™) I would like these graphics to help inform the world that just because we have a few gray hairs it doesn't mean that our brains and our spirits are growing dimmer along with hair color!

Why? Because I think the baby boom generation is still a group that questions the status quo. We did in the sixties and seventies and we are doing it again - we just forgot how to make the right amount of noise about it!

So grab your Protest Tees instead of a sign and Join The Boomer Power Crusade™ NOW.
We changed the world once before and we can do it again!


Unless otherwise noted, all images and art on this site are © PopArtDiva.com 2002 - 2009. All Rights Reserved. All slogans are marked ™. No permission is given to use these phrases.

Get my Retro Inspired Pop Culture Art on Cool Stuff like Cups, Tees, Cards, Aprons and more at the POP ART DIVA BOUTIQUE!