OMG! is my brain still there
Plus $15.00 (Shipping within U.S.)

Full View
- Original Painting Size is 5" x 5"
- Original Watercolor Painting of a Fun, Colorful Art Meme Character
- Painted on 130# Cold Press Watercolor Paper
- Color palette is warm yellow, orange, red and magenta against a background of light blues, lavenders and turquoise
- Framed in a 9" x 9" light wood frame that can be hung or set on a surface
- Frame can also be stained or painted as desired

Back view of frame. Note inset hanging area AND removable peg for tabletop display.
So, there I was, awake in the middle of the night, face glued to my smartphone, my tired eyes literally vibrating and it occurred to me that maybe I was being blinded (or eaten!) by my digital devices. Maybe not such a strange thought when you consider how much of our time we all now spend glued to some kind of flickering screen as images speed by our eyeballs.