Hand Painted Clay Pots (for plants or whatever!) for sale soon!

I got the redecorating bug earlier this year and have since redecorated my ENTIRE little bungalow from top to bottom, inside and out!  I was only going to get rid of the horrendous burnt orange carpet and tacky fake wood paneling (this is a 70's park/mobile) but you know how when you start one decorating project it never stops there....
Anyhoo, I got to painting the decks (in my house colors of a light warm gray, white & medium warm grey on the floors) and decided I wanted to pop some color on the decks with decor .... so I grabbed up a bunch of plain clay plant pots, some white spray paint, my acrylic paints and got busy!
I had done a couple of small clay pots a few weeks before for herbs in my kitchen:
 Those gave me the idea of how to add the splash of color to my grey toned decks. After spray painting all the clay pots with a flat white Rustoleum (BEST spray paint available!) I set to laying down my first big areas of my main deck accent colors on the pots:

(Note:  I painted inside the pot to just below the soil line so you wouldn't see a bit of the original clay color. Some I stopped at the rim. It all depended on my mood.)

You have to wait for EVERY section to dry before you can touch that pot again so I started working on more pots to keep time waste to a minimal.  Here I am getting into having a brush and color at my fingertips again - man, how I've missed painting! I am having the time of my life!  I love non-representational work best - it's art in the purist form - Color, Texture, Movement, Design, Balance and total love of art:
Here's 3 views so you can see the design all around:
(You might be able to click this image to see it larger)
Here they are all filled with growing stuff and lining my deck steps:
Then I did 3 as gifts for the gals who helped me with me home redo:
THEN I had this clay tribal mask I'd gotten at an art show ages ago & was using to hide my ugly deck light and decided IT needed a makeover too:


I'm starting on a group tomorrow, picking up more pots & spray paint on Friday and I'm going to have an orgy of pot painting and fill up my Etsy Store with them!
I'll also post each pot here and put a buy now button on them to make it easy to buy them individually at my ETSY SHOP.

Now you can call me POTArtDiva, lol!
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