Yes, the internet may be a "young person's game" but don't count us old farts out yet! You might be surprised at just how web savvy some of us are getting. Case in point, I not only Twitter but I have designed several products just for my Tweeps over at my Twitter Page (twitter.com/popartdiva) - just to show those young whippersnappers that they ain't shoved us into a six foot hole just yet:
Meet My New Zazzle Store for Twitter Fans:
There are four unique designs including:
I tweet there4 I M
I can say anything in 140 Characters
Tweet and Retweet
Follow Me @
My little window display allows you to stop motion, zoom in on any product, make a comment about the product, rate my products and click to buy right here!
So if you are a web savvy, boomer Twittering "older but wiser" citizen like me, click away and support a fellow baby boomer - Get a tee, an apron, a cup, a poster or even a bumper sticker and share your love of PopArtDiva aka TweetleBirdie and Twitter with one click!
And Follow me on Twitter!
TweetleBirdie™ and the TweetleBirdie Character are trademarks of PopArtDiva.com
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Get my Retro Inspired Pop Culture Art on Cool Stuff like Cups, Tees, Cards, Aprons and more at the POP ART DIVA BOUTIQUE!