RETRO COMMERCIALS MONDAY - Washing Dishes to Soften Your Hands?

Do you remember the days before dishwashers? Women had their hands in soapy liquid 3 times a day washing up the family dinnerware, glasses, cutlery, and messy pots and pans. Their hands would dry out from being dunked in harsh soap and water all the time.

Then the dishwashing liquid sellers got wise and started to claim their product made the skin soft and young! The thing that kills me about this commercial is I'm trying to figure out if this woman dunked her face in the Ivory to keep herself looking as "young, like her daughter"?

Growing up in the fifties we did the dishes by hand. Dishwashers were unheard of in my neighborhood. My sister, Patty, and I did the dishes together, she washed and I dried. Butthead, my brother, never had to do the dishes - he took out the trash. I would rather have taken out the trash but that was a "boy's job." Ah, the good old days of sexual stereotyping.

My mother even gave me instructions for what gets washed first!
Mom, "Terri, you wash the glasses first, then the silverware, then the plates and then, and only then, the pots and pans!"
Me, "Why, Mama?"
Mom, "Because you want the dishes you eat from to be clean and when you do those first the dishwater isn't dirty and greasy from the pots and pans."
Me, "Then why don't you just wash all the dishes under the faucet with the clean water?"
Mom, "Because that would be a waste of water!"
Me, "Oh. Then, couldn't we just buy new dishes every meal?"
Mom, "Don't be silly!"
All I can say is thank God for ModCons!

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